NEW! Kite Fishing Made Easy & Reliable.

Helikite Does the Flying
You Can Do The Fishing

Kite Lures are Better at Attracting Fish
Kites gently lift live baits to the surface of the water, where their position and violent thrashing sends shock waves through the water that alerts and attracts predatory fish - far more than a bait pulled by just a rod and line.
Kites Do Not Frighten Fish
Kites dangle the baitfish in the water so that almost no leader is in the water to frighten fish.
Realistically Skip Flying-Fish Lures
Kites unique upwards pull is the only way to skip flying-fish lures realistically over the water to attract tuna or other big game fish when trolling.
Fish Not Frightened by Boats Wake
Kites can be positioned so the bait or lure is hundreds of yards to the side of the trolling fishing boat, so the fish are not frightened by the boats wake.
Go Where Boats Cannot
Kites can deploy baited hooks over areas where boats cannot go, such as reefs, rocks and shallows.
Catch Very Wary Fish
On occasion, numerous big game fish can be seen swimming about for hours on the boats fish-finder sonar, but never taking rod and line bait. However, these fish are often tempted by a kite deployed bait or lure.
Boat Not Needed
Kites can be used from shore if the wind is in the correct direction. Pulling baits and lures over the sea, lakes, or rivers, far further than ever possible with rod and line.
Ease of Use.
All traditional kites are tricky to adjust, launch and fly. Add a fishing line to the mix, and there is considerable potential for kites crashing, lines tangling causing huge amounts of frustration and lost time. Fishing Helikites eliminate all this trouble because they fly themselves automatically, with or without human help, in winds from 0 – 25 mph. This turns kite fishing from a highly skilled professional activity, to something anyone can do instantly with no skill required. Helikites make kite fishing absurdly easy!
There is no comparison between the reliability of kites and Helikites. Helikites will ALWAYS fly within their published design specifications. Traditional kites MAY fly.
Helikites require no tricky bridle adjustment, no stressful launch, no skilled kite flying pilot. No rubber balloons to tape and tie on. Just fill the Helikite and it will fly automatically every time.
Like many economical products, Helikites may be more expensive to buy initially, but they are about 80 times cheaper to run per day than the common alternative of traditional kites + rubber balloons. So, for regular kite fishermen, Helikites are far more economical.
On the nicest fishing days, with warm, calm weather, traditional fishing kites are seldom easy to fly without the addition of a rubber balloon costing $80 per day. Helikites hold their helium for months, so they are always ready for those warm fishing days at minimal cost and no trouble. Helikites are also instantly ready for operating in foul weather and high winds.
Less Stress = More Fun.
Flying Fishing Helikites is incredibly easy and great fun, compared to the stressful struggling often involved with attempting to fly traditional fishing kites.
No Lost Kites
When traditional fishing kites fall into the water they are often damaged by the retrieve when being powerfully winched through the water back to the boat. Spars can break. So time is lost and spare kites are needed. Helikites do not ever fall into the water, so do not get damaged in this way.
More Fishing.
Fishing Helikites enable instant fishing. No time wasted compared with traditional fishing kites. Fish far more within the valuable time available.
For a printable brochure, click on the PDF.

Taking the place of multiple kites.
To cover all possible wind angles you need up to four traditional kites. Low wind and balloon, medium wind, high wind and very high wind.
But just ONE Fishing Helikite flies automatically in ALL these winds 0-28mph so only ONE Fishing Helikite is every needed, keeping it easy and simple.

With their innovative design Fishing Helikites provide a stable and reliable platform for your bait, allowing you to fish in areas that were previously inaccessible.
Kite fishing for game fish is an exciting and challenging experience that requires skill and patience.
With the right equipment and technique, you can increase your chances of catching these creatures.
Whether you're a seasoned angler or a beginner, kite fishing for marlin and other game fish
is an adventure you won't forget.

Fishing Helikites provide more valuable fishing time to catch more fish.
Traditional fishing kites are excellent at catching fish when flying perfectly, however they are often very tricky to adjust, launch and fly.
Every Fishing Helikite will fly in all wind speeds from 0 to 22 knots.
One Fishing Helikite does it all. This saving of time could be the difference between winning and losing a tournament.
How is this amazing wind range achieved?
A Fishing Helikite has a tough, plastic helium balloon permanently attached at its bow, which contributes both helium lift and aerodynamic lift. It is overall lighter-than-air, so it flies well when there is no wind, or just the faintest breeze. Low wind conditions that cause traditional kites to fall down do not affect Fishing Helikites, which always remain flying. If a tighter Helikite flying line is needed to pull out more fishing lines, weights and adjustments can be made to the Fishing Helikite, or a supplied drogue can be added to give even more drag when the boat is ‘bumped’ along slowly over the fishing area.
The 0 to 25mph wind range of the Fishing Helkite is the highest of any small kite in the world. It flies in all these winds with no adjustment. The Fishing Helikite is not just a balloon, but an aerodynamic, balloon-kite hybrid, so winds actually push the Helikite up in a very steady manner, instead of downwards. The Helikite is both wind and helium stabilised and so constantly self-rights itself in high winds. Gravity is the most stable force in the sky, so utilising it keeps the Helikite very stable too. This allows fishing in bad weather conditions with confidence and also enables the high-speed trolling of baits, such as when skipping flying fish lures over the waves to attract large game fish. Unlike some traditional fishing kites, Fishing Helikites will always reliably launch from large fishing vessels despite the turbulence caused by the main cabin.
Once filled with helium, Fishing Helikites cost almost nothing to operate,
saving hundreds of dollars.
Many fishermen find traditional kites tricky and unreliable to fly and so attach a large rubber helium balloon to the back of the kite to provide a bit more lift. However, these $25 rubber balloons are porous to helium, losing about 50% of their helium per day, so only good for one day’s fishing, meaning a new balloon plus $50 of helium are needed every day. This works out at $2,250 per month!
The Fishing Helikite uses a special plastic balloon that lasts for many months and only loses about 0.5% of helium per day costing about fifty cents. Fishing Helikites make regular kite fishing both easy and economical - great for every fisherman and perfect for charter or tournament skippers.
Once initially filled with about $100 of helium, the Fishing Helikite costs so little to operate, that it can be used every day without financial concern.
The Fishing Helikite doubles the fishing area by utilising the downwind side
of a drifting boat.
When drifting without kites, only the upwind side of a fishing boat can be utilised for rod fishing. The downwind side is completely wasted. So only a fraction of the possible water is being fished. Huge numbers of fish may be missed this way. Fishing Helikites are so simple to use that any fisherman can now easily fish the downwind side of a boat with confidence that his Fishing Helikites will not fall into the water, whatever happens to the wind. Also, Helikites fly far steadier than traditional fishing kites, so a line of baits can be held very steadily in the top 12 inches of the water. Steady baits are far better at catching game fish, than baits being pulled out of the sea all the time.
Fishing Helikites can provide 100-yard-wide outriggers. For greater coverage and
better bait presentation.

The Fishing Helikite's unique combination of gravity stability plus aerodynamic stability allows this. Fishing Helikites have a number of Velcro pockets on their sides to hold lead weights which hold one side down whilst the helium powerfully holds the other side upwards. This, combined with a patented adjustable keel, means Fishing Helikites can be easily set to zoom along sideways like an airborne torpedo with tremendous stability at any speeds up to 16 knots. This allows multiple baited lines to be set far away from the boats wake, greatly improving fishing coverage and increasing the chances of wary fish taking the bait. More coverage and better bait presentation is likely to lead to more fish being caught.
The Fishing Helikite never sinks into the water when fishing.

The Fishing Helikite is significantly lighter-than-air so it can fly in nil wind, but, uniquely, it is also very capable of flying in high winds. The 0.7m3 Fishing Helikite, with its standard medium weight spar and no side weights, has a design maximum speed of 22 knots, well above all required trolling speeds. Even if a boat pulls the Fishing Helikite faster than 22 knots and in these extreme conditions it does hit the water, it just immediately bounces straight into the air again! The skipper will instinctively slow slightly and the Helikite will instantly fly back into the sky automatically.
No broken kite, no tangles, no lost baits, no lost fishing time.
Fishing Helikites fly so reliably that if a fish is caught and being played, the other baited lines can be rapidly put back into the water, so fishing can continue uninterrupted while fish are being played, which is a huge advantage over rod fishing.
The Fishing Helikite is stored fully inflated ready for instant use when fish are seen.

There is no time to be lost when fish are biting! As they hold helium so well, Fishing Helikites can be stored in the boat fully inflated for weeks - allowing launch within seconds.
They are deliberately made small enough to fit through doors for safe storage in the cabin. They also have an optional canvas cover that is excellent at protecting them both inside or outside in all weathers and enable the Fishing Helikite to be securely tied to the boat. Fishing Helikites will fit fully inflated into most vehicles so can easily be taken home, instantly ready for fishing next day.
How Can Fishing Helikites more game fish while saving money?
1 ) For Charter Captains Who Already Use Fishing Kites:
Presently, unless the captain and his crew are exceedingly proficient in carefully choosing, adjusting,
launching and flying traditional fishing kites, they will need to tie and tape an extremely fragile rubber
balloon to the back of the kite to ensure it flies in variable winds. This not only takes a lot of time, skill
and fiddly hassle in the moving cockpit of a fishing boat at sea, but it also requires a large, heavy, steel
helium cylinder to be kept on board in a very secure manner, plus regulator valve and long helium
hoses. The cost of the helium plus a rubber balloon is around $80. Sadly, rubber balloons leak like
sieves and so only last for one day, so the charter skipper needs to use up $80 per day per kite. Often
two kites are used, so that is $160 per day in helium + balloons! A massive hit to profits, or a big extra
cost charged to customers.
Charter skippers do not just have one traditional fishing kite. They have 4 - 8 kites for all the possible
wind ranges likely to be incurred. Each traditional fishing kite costs about $150 – altogether not so
cheap. Also, if a kite gets dunked in the sea, (which is quite common), then this kite will not fly again
until it dries out, which can take hours. So multiple kites, balloons and spares are all stored in the boat,
which needs to be a fairly big, expensive, fuel hungry cabin boat to cope. It is a significant commitment,
which may explain why most charter captains do NOT offer kite fishing as an option to their customers -
even though kite fishing is acknowledged as being one of the best ways to catch game fish.
How Could Professional Fishing Helikites Help?
1 ) Save money to increase profits. As a Professional Fishing Helikite has a low-loss plastic balloon,
it only loses under $1 per day of helium. It does not need a helium cylinder to be taken onboard as it
will not need topping up more than once every week or so. Over a three-month kite fishing season, this
can save $7,110 in helium and rubber balloons! The captain can take these reduced costs as instant
extra profits.
2 ) Increase turnover and gain customers. Due to the massively reduced daily running costs of the
Professional Fishing Helikite compared to traditional kites and rubber balloons, charter captains could
afford to reduce their prices without impacting their profit margins. This is likely to gain new customers,
increase turnover and thus grow the business and increase profits.
3) Reduce crew. When flying multiple Helikites and fishing lines, good crew will always be needed.
However, when flying only one Helikite with one or two lines, then extra crew may not be needed. This
reduces costs and increases timeliness if crew are hard to obtain.
4) Increase boat manoeuvrability. As lighter-than-air Helikites never fall out of the sky, whatever is
happening to the wind, it is often possible to conduct boat manoeuvres going with the wind, that cannot
be done with a traditional fishing kite which will fall out of the sky as soon as the ‘apparent wind’ is zero.
This capability may be very useful in a crowded fishing area.
2 ) For Charter Captains Who Do NOT Presently Offer Kite Fishing.
This is the vast majority of charter captains.
Possible reasons for not presently using traditional kites are:
The sensitive, frustrating, adjustments needed to traditional kites to get them to fly and steer correctly.
Traditional kites not reliably launching, especially just behind the boat superstructure.
Traditional kites repeatedly crashing in front of customers, which is embarrassing and costly.
Traditional kites falling into the water requiring strong, expensive, winches to drag them in.
Traditional kites causing a massive multiple line tangles after falling in the water, taking much valuable fishing time to sort out.
The risk of kite line tangling in the boat propellors at sea.
Traditional kite spars breaking when winching them in after they have fallen into the water.
The number and therefore high total cost of all the traditional kites required to cope with all wind ranges.
The $80 daily running cost of helium and rubber balloons required, as mentioned above.
The frustrating nature of attempting to tie and tape, slippery rubber balloons onto traditional kites.
All the dry space and thus large, expensive, boat required to store helium cylinders and multiple traditional kites.
The health and safety concerns around having big, heavy, helium cylinders on a boat.
How Could Professional Fishing Helikites Help?
a) Reducing boat costs. Even the smallest open fishing boat can fly a Professional Fishing Helikite. So, charter captains do not need to own a large, expensive cabin boat to be able to offer kite fishing to customers. A couple of Fishing Helikites can therefore save hundreds of thousands of dollars of capital boat costs, interest payments, general running costs and fuel of a larger boat. A new business for only a few hundred dollars!
b) Eliminate equipment. All the multiple traditional fishing kites, helium cylinders, rubber balloons, tape and string stored in the boat can be eliminated! Only the Professional Fishing Helikite is needed. It can easily be stored for months in its protective cover inside the cabin, or outside on deck, always full of helium, thus ready for instant use. If it is not needed, then leave it be, but if kite fishing opportunities arise, it can be taken from its cover within seconds and launched instantly, for no extra cost. This is a great advantage in fishing versatility and service to customers.
c) Increase profits. The fishing Helikite enables all charter captains, with even the smallest boat, to easily, profitably and safely offer reliable kite fishing, thus widening their customer base and significantly increasing turnover and profits.
d) Catch more and larger fish. Nobody can guarantee to catch fish, this is where the supreme knowledge of professional fishermen excels. However, Fishing Helikites present bait superbly in all sea and wind conditions and they do it rapidly, so giving more fishing time, which should help to catch more fish.
e) Reduction in crew. When using multiple Fishing Helikites and fishing lines, crew will likely be needed. However, for fishing one Helikite carrying one or two fishing lines, there is no real need for any crew. The Fishing Helikite does not need to be specially set up as it is permanently full of helium and ready to go. All the flying work is done by the Helikite, which are superbly steady in flight, so the bait is very easy to keep at the surface. The captain just launches the Helikite, lets the lines out until the lure or bait is correctly positioned, then goes back to the helm to steer the boat wherever he wants, whilst himself, or his paying customer, keeps an eye on the live bait or lure. It really is that easy.
f) Fishing the downwind side of a drifting boat. Helikites can automatically fish the downwind side, whilst rods fish the upwind. This could double the chances of catching fish and satisfy customers.
g) Increase customer numbers and turnover. Many fishermen would love to experience kite fishing and will thus prefer to go with the charter captains who offer Helikite fishing.
3 ) For Tournament Fishermen.
Most are already using multiple traditional fishing kites and rubber balloons. They have excellent crew who are well versed in flying these kites.
How Could Professional Fishing Helikites Help?
1 ) Saving critical tournament fishing time by eliminating kite changes. More Time = More Fish. At present if the wind changes, the fishing kites need to be changed to suit the new conditions. This requires all the lines to be taken in, a new kite attached and then all the lines re-deployed = fishing time lost. Fishing Helikites fly in winds from 0 – 25 mph with no changes at all, so they never need to be taken down as conditions change and so give more fishing time.
2) Saving critical tournament fishing time by eliminating kites crashing into the water. When this happens, the drowned kite needs to be dragged in as quickly as possible, however winch too fast and the kite spars break. So, it is a slow process. Also, it is quite possible that the multiple fishing lines may also get tangled, thus losing even more time. Fishing Helikites never fall down or crash into the water. Even if one is stuffed forcefully by hand into the water it will automatically fly out, high into the air. A Fishing Helikite never drowns.
3 ) Reducing the cost per hour of tournament time. When the high cost of the initial purchase and ongoing running of large tournament fishing boats is considered, plus the extra costs of fuel, huge tournament entry fees, fishing gear, live bait, crew, accommodation and travel, then the cost per hour of tournament fishing is massive. If Fishing Helikites reduce the ‘down-time’ caused by changing kites, fiddling with rubber balloons and retrieving drowned traditional fishing kites, then the Fishing Helikite will significantly reduce the cost per hour of fishing time.
4) Level the tournament playing field. As Helikites can be flown from any size of boat, with fewer crew, they may enable small teams in small inexpensive open boats, to be fully competitive against large tournament boats costing tens of millions of dollars.
5 ) Win more tournaments. The time lost from changing traditional kites and retrieving them from the sea after crashing will be very variable. However, if it only loses a few percent of fishing time, this could be the difference between winning or losing a very valuable tournament. If the above is true, and all else is equal, then it follows that more time available should lead to more tournament wins. Which is what it is all about.
6 ) Win more prize money. For the 66th Annual Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament in 2024, some 302 boats competed for a total of $7,562,700 prize money. The winner, ‘Game Time’ collected $1,816,375 of this prize. The possibility of losing out on similar prizes by a few percentage points, due to time wasted dealing with the vagaries of traditional fishing kites, does not bear thinking about.
4 ) For Amateur Fishermen.
There are thousands of amateur fishermen, both in boats and onshore. So why do so few presently use fishing kites?
1 ) They may not appreciate how good kites often are at catching game fish compared to other methods.
2 ) They have previously had bad experiences of flying traditional kites when fishing, or otherwise.
3 ) They do not want the hassle of flying a kite on a small boat.
4 ) They cannot get the extra crew needed to operate traditional fishing kites.
5 ) The high cost of the multiple kites needed to fly in all wind ranges.
6 ) They do not want to deal with the trouble, expense and alterations to their boat required, to fill rubber balloons from large helium cylinders, which is required to get a traditional fishing kite to perform reliably.
7 ) They cannot fit all the equipment needed to fly traditional kites plus balloons, in their small boat.
8 ) They do not dare try to fly unreliable traditional kites over the shallow reefs where fish often lie.
9) They are rightly concerned about traditional kites crashing and causing a mighty tangle of lines.
10) Traditional fishing kites are very hard to operate from shore, due to tumbling winds from cliffs, buildings etc.
11 ) They consider kite fishing to be the sole province of professional fishermen.
How Could Lightweight or Professional Helikites help?
1 ) Just one Helikite is needed. It will replace all the numerous traditional kites, eliminates all rubber balloons, all the boat-mounted helium cylinders, thick helium hoses etc.
2 ) Far lower cost. A single Lightweight Fishing Helikite can take the place of multiple traditional kites, overall costing far more.
3 ) Automatic flight. Helikites fly themselves, in all winds from 0 - 25 mph. This is an absolute game-changer for people who have trouble with traditional kites.
4 ) Helikite’s superb reliability. No crashes, drowned kites etc. Safer, easier and super easy.
5 ) No extra crew required. It is very easy for a lone fisherman to operate a Fishing Helikite.
6 ) Troll flying fish lures for huge distances. These are best lifted and skipped across the water by kites 100+ yards sideways out of the prop wash. Even the small Lightweight Helikite is brilliant at this.
7 ) Fish shallow reefs and other places that are impossible to get a boat near. The Fishing Helikite will reliably pull baits over such areas while the boat is positioned safely away from danger. Using traditional fishing kites for this would require superb skill, but Helikites will easily do it automatically and reliably.
8) Fishing for big game fish from shore. We know from satellite tracking that there are various places where even the largest game fish come close to shore – well within range of Fishing Helikites. So, anyone without the use of a boat can now fish these places using Fishing Helikites.
9) Bait fishing from shore. Beaches, piers, cliffs, islands, and rocks. Often these places are inaccessible from amateur boats due to mooring rules, shallows, etc. The Overseas Highway and all The Keys would be great to fish with Fishing Helikites. Helikites can either dangle lures or live bait on the water’s surface, or they can tow a buoy out and bait-fish the sea bottom. The buoy can also have a chum bag attached to attract fish.
10) Fish during bad weather. Often it is very unsafe to go out in a boat to bad weather, but the fish may well be running. If the wind is in the right direction, it is safe to use a Fishing Helikite from the shore instead.
Big Game Fishing. Should It Be Boat Centric, or Helikite Centric?
click to read document
Lightweight Fishing Helikite = £139 + Delivery
A small, steerable, Fishing Helikite to lift a single fishing line. Brilliant for presenting live bait or lures near the water’s surface in light winds, or for skimming flying fish lures far off one side of a boat at high trolling speeds.
The Lightweight Fishing Helikite uses a replaceable mylar plastic balloon that can be rapidly swapped using Velcro. Each tough balloon holds helium for weeks and with occasional topping-up, can last for months. Very easily stored and transported even when fully inflated. Costs only a few cents per day to fly. Great fun!
The three replaceable plastic balloons can be filled from just one $50 disposable helium tanks.
Dimensions: L: 3ft. W: 2ft H: 1.5ft. Helium volume: 0.13m3 (4.5 cubic feet).
Wind range: 0 - 25 mph.
Lift in no wind = approx. 30g (1 ounce). Lift in 15 mph wind = approx. 200g (6 ounces)
Lightweight Fishing Helikite Kit includes:
Ripstop-Nylon Helikite Sail.
Carbon-fibre Spar.
3x Replaceable Mylar Balloons.
Hand reel.
60m (200ft) of 100KgBS (200lb) Dyneema braid flying line.
Steering weights.
Repair kit.
Professional Fishing Helikite = £750 + Delivery.
A powerful Fishing Helikite to lift up to three fishing lines in all weathers. Superb for all types of big game fishing. Keeps even the heaviest baits on the surface. Jump and skim flying fish. Very steady flight in all sea and wind conditions.
The kite section is hand made from ripstop-nylon and bonded permanently to a custom-made plastic balloon that holds helium for weeks. It costs only about $1 per day to operate. Incredibly economical for professional charter guides, tournament boats, or anyone wanting the most versatile and reliable fishing kite that is always ready in an instant.
Three easily available $50 disposable helium tanks will initially fill it and then top it up for months of flying.
Dimensions: L: 4.5ft. W: 3ft H: 2ft. Helium volume: 0.7m3 (24 cubic feet).
Wind Range = 0 - 25 mph
Lift in no wind = approx. 100g (3 ounces). Lift in 15 mph wind = approx. 1,000g (30 ounces)
Professional Fishing Helikite Includes:
Ripstop-Nylon Helikite Sail bonded permanently to a plastic high strength, low loss, plastic balloon.
Carbon-fibre Main Spar.
Carbon-Fibre Keel Spar.
Adjustable ripstop-nylon windsock.
Two lightweight wind socks.
Steering weights.
Helium filling tube.
Repair kit.
Professional Fishing Helikite Deluxe Combo = £1,250 + Delivery.
A ‘stand-alone’ Helikite fishing system that includes everything needed to go Helikite fishing except the helium and bait. All contained in a handy carry-all. This saves time purchasing individual items for busy fishermen, or those travelling overseas.
Professional Fishing Deluxe Combo Includes:
Ripstop-Nylon Helikite Sail bonded permanently to a plastic high strength, low loss, plastic balloon.
Carbon-fibre Main Spar.
Carbon-Fibre Keel Spar.
Adjustable ripstop-nylon windsock.
Two lightweight windsocks.
Steering weights.
Helium filling tube.
Repair kit.
Deluxe Protective Inflated Helikite Storage Cover.
Extra set of carbon-fibre spars.
Large Wooden Kite Reel.
Roller Snatch Block.
150m of 100Kg (200lb) breaking strain, braided Dyneema Flying Line.
3x Kite Fishing Release Clips
Tacky Wax Rigging Floss
Custom Made Carry Bag
VAT is applicable if purchased in UK but not outside UK
Shipping to the USA is an easy process. The cost for shipping one kit is generally about £59 to lower 48 states and not much more for shipping three kits. Exact shipping prices are calculated when in our web store. It takes approximately 1 week for your kit to arrive once it is ordered.
January 2025 currency exchange is approximately £1 = $1.25 USD. You will see the exact current rate of exchange for USD when placing your order.
Scroll to bottom of page for individual parts list.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.


0.7 Professional Fishing Helikite Parts Price List

Handmade aerodynamic, lighter-than-air, Fishing Helikite = £750
Special plastic oblate-spheroid balloon, that holds helium for weeks. The
ripstop-nylon kite section is bonded permanently onto the base of the
balloon. The balloon has a non-return input valve plus a large input/exit
plug for easy initial filling and then for ongoing occasional topping-up of
The balloon material may be supplied in white or clear color, depending
upon availability.
Helikite balloon and kite section bonded together.
Main carbon-fibre spar to run along the kite spine.
Carbon-fibre keel spar to run along the base of the keel.
4x Velcro side-pouches to contain steering weights.
Non-Toxic Steering Weights.
Puncture Repair Kit.

Windsock Set = £30
These increase the drag in light and medium winds in order to
tighten the flying line to enable a full set of three fishing lines to be
pulled out correctly.
1x Ripstop nylon windsock, with adjustable drag drawstring, for
winds from 0 - 25mph
2x Ultra-lightweight HDPE windsocks for wind from 0 - 15mph.
Auxiliary Carbon-Fibre Spar Set = £30
These are useful for two reasons:
1) They can be pushed into the Helikite spar pockets alongside
the original spars, in order to stiffen up the Helikite even further
than normal, so it can fly in winds above the normal 25 mph
maximum wind speed.
2) As spare spars in case of breakage of the originals.
Helikite Custom-Made Carry Bag = £54
Carries everything needed including the Helikite spars.
Includes separate smaller inner bags to separate hard items
such as the reels and roller blocks from the more vulnerable
items such as the Helikite sail and balloon. Zip plus Velcro
closure for easy, rapid, use. Made from high quality bag
Low Pressure Helium Filling Tube = £6
One metre long. The top end fits both the main Input/Exit plug of the
Helikite balloon and also the topping up non-return valve. The lower
end comes with various sizes of tubing adaptors to enable it to fit to
various possible helium cylinder regulator valves and nozzles. This
tubing is only to be fitted to low pressure gas coming from the low-
pressure outlet nozzle of a legally recommended gas regulator
Puncture Repair Tape = £6
Type ‘B’ Tear-Aid Tape plus alcohol cleaning wipes.
Brilliant at sealing leaks and very fast to apply. Simply find the hole,
cut out a suitable sized piece of tape, clean the area around it with an
alcohol wipe, wait for the alcohol to dry and then stick the tape over
the hole.
Roller Snatch Block = £45
Ties onto the gunwale of a fishing boat to guide the flying line if one of
our simple hand reels are being used to fly the Helikite. Not needed if
a motorised reel is being used.
Composite Wood Hand Kite Reel = £21
Suitable for wind speeds from 0 - 20 mph. Above these winds it is
hard work to operate, although it will never break.
It is very strong, with a hand grip and holes to enable the reel and
line to be securely fastened to the boat with cord.
Line capacity = 100 metres of 1mm diameter, braided Dyneema
flying line.
Large Solid Wood Hand Kite Reel = £60
Two handles provide great leverage for coping with winds from 0 -
30 mph.
Line capacity = 250 metres of 1mm diameter, braided Dyneema
flying line.
These are great reels, fast and easy to use. Highly recommended.
1mm Dia, 100KgBS, Pre-Stretched, Dyneema Kite Line
Unlike some other HDPE flying lines, this genuine European-made
Dyneema line has no splices for whatever length is ordered, which
greatly improves its strength and reliability. Supplied on a plastic reel.
150m = £97

Fishing Kite Release Clips = £30
With varying kite line hole sizes to enable 3x clips to be used on a
single Helikite flying line.

Tacky Wax Rigging Floss = £15
To create different diameter stops along the kite line to enable the
kite clips to be correctly positioned on the kite line.

Deluxe Protective Inflated Storage Cover = £199
Made from high quality bag material, this gives superb protection
for the entire Helikite from sun, water, wind and abrasion. The
design enables the Helikite to be rapidly put into the cover by one
person in all weathers. The multiple handles and tie-down loops
ensure the Helikite can be firmly tied to the deck for high-speed
boat travel. Air vent keep the Helikite cool. Available in red, grey,
blue, black, white and green to match your boat. Highly
Protective Inflated Storage Cover = £90
A simple but effective protective cover for the more
vulnerable balloon section of the Helikite. Includes, easy
drawstring open-closure, quick Helikite entry system, multiple
tie-down loops and air vent.
The stern of the Helikite is left exposed if the spars are left in
the Helikite, but if the spars are removed, then the entire
balloon and kite material section can be fully protected.
Made from non-woven fabric in grey.