Simple, Profitable Airborne Marketing with Helikites
Hugely cost-effective
Highly targeted
Exploits known high traffic areas
High percentage viewing
Easily predictable advertising coverage
Free TV coverage possible at sporting events
Newsworthy advertising activity
Unrivalled timeliness
Very responsive
Exploits uncluttered airspace
Highly controllable
Rapid-response mobile operations anywhere
Provides high income from roadside advertising sites
Excellent for powerful advertising campaigns
Perfect for shows and festivals
Planning authority seldom required
Helikite Advantages
Small and simple to deploy
Lighter than air – flies in no wind
Capable in high winds
Very inexpensive
Reliable, tough, and long lasting
Uses minimal helium
Brilliant at lifting banners to great heights
Advertising can be applied directly to the Helikite
Unique Helikite shape attracts maximum attention
Helikite advertising brightens even the most overcast skies.
Unlike normal advertising blimps, all Helikites fly steadily and are safe to handle – even in high winds. That’s why Helikites are the favoured high-altitude aerostat of the military and scientists worldwide.
They can be flown almost anywhere – even from small boats to provide beachside publicity.
They do not require any fin adjustment, electric ballonets, radio-controls, etc. Just quickly fill them with helium and fly.
Helikites are small enough to be stored, transported, and fully inflated in a van, floater, garage or business unit.
Looking for highly effective aerial advertising? You don’t need to buy the usual large, expensive, unwieldy, gas-guzzling, sausage-shaped helium blimps for that.
All you need:
1x Small Helikite to lift the banner
1x Small Helium cylinder to fill the Helikite.
1x Kite reel to adjust the Helikite's height.
1x Big-bag for safe and easy inflation.
1x Carry-bag.
5 minutes to inflate
Advertising Opportunities
Department stores
Retail parks
Music festivals
Football matches
Cricket matches
Car racing
Motorcycle racing
Sailing regattas
Boat shows
Craft fairs
Surf festivals
Beach volleyball
Election campaigns
Or think BIG!
Banners can be made in a wide variety of shapes. Full-size car-shaped banners are possible, as are soft drink shapes, logos, phones, computers, white goods, etc. This means your advertising banner can be personalised to fit your brand and your business.
Massive banners able to be easily seen within TV coverage of sporting events, can be lifted on our 20m3, 34m3, 75m3 and 100m3 Desert Star Helikites.