Deflation Devices

Automatic Barometric Balloon Cut-Down
This system requires no human interaction besides the initial setting of the height parameters and so should satisfy any legal requirements.
Air pressure reduces with altitude. A sensor on the aerostat detects the difference between the atmospheric barometric pressure of its launch height and its present barometric pressure. If it detects that the Helikite is at too great an altitude, it initiates a hot wire cutting device that creates a large hole in the balloon material which quickly release the helium gas and causes the Helikite to descend.

GPS Controlled Balloon Cut-Down
Designed to deflate the balloon in the event of a tether break in order to help recover the payload and protect other airspace users.
The HCS-03M is a safety device for tethered plastic skinned helium balloons, blimps or Helikites. It is designed to deflate the balloon in the event of a tether break in order to help recover the payload and protect other airspace users. It uses the GPS satellite system to monitor the position of the balloon. If the balloon moves more than a certain distance away from its launch point, the HCS-03M will pass a current through a wire placed in contact with the balloon material. The wire heats up and melts a hole in the balloon, allowing the helium to escape and the balloon to descend.

Radio-Controlled Balloon Cut-Down
An encrypted radio signal is sent from a ground station transmitter to a radio receiver on the Helikite.
This initiates a hot wire to cut a large hole in the balloon material to cause the gas to escape and the Helikite to descend. The signal can be sent within 10 Km of the Helikite. This can be a very rapid method of downing a Helikite. So it is quite possible that the operator would be able to retrieve the Helikite quickly and with minimal damage.